Hung Tran

Ph.D. Student
Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute
Deakin University, Australia

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My research interests focus on deep learning techniques for visual perception, human behavior understanding, and knowledge extraction from languge models. These capabilities are the key elements required of the next generation of virtual assistant systems. Real-world applications of these systems include security , autonomous driving, and healthcare.

  • [Nov 30, 2023] My team got honourable mentioned in the Melbourne AI/ML Hackathon. Our solution was building AIDE, Aged care assistant and companion using Large Language Models. Find out more here
  • [July, 2023] My presentation has won the people choice and runner up awards at A2I2 3MT competition
  • [July 14, 2023] Our paper Persistent-Transient Duality: A Multi-mechanism Approach for Modeling Human-Object Interaction has ben accepted accepted at ICCV 2023.
  • [Jun 16, 2022] Our paper Persistent-Transient Duality in Human Behavior Modeling has been accepted at CVPR 2022 Precognition Workshop.
  • [Oct 31, 2020] Our paper Goal-driven Long-Term Trajectory Prediction has been accepted accepted at WACV 2020.